Thursday, October 13, 2016

Miracle Leaf

 The miracle leaf is a plant of medium height and only known for its roots to the leaves. The leaves of native roots can be grown and profit of the new plant. It has thick, succulent leaves and there is also a lot of flowers bowed. It usually grows in many place in archipelago of the Philippines and other Asian countries in tropical regions. 
what is the nutrition and chemical available miracle leaf? 
the different parts of the plant can wonderfully capture a wide variety of chemicals and substances that may have health benefits:
the chemicals that can get plants are alkaloids, triterpenes, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids, butadienolides, lipids, and organic acids. There arachidic acid, astragalin, behenic acid, beta amyrin, benzenoids, bersaldegenin, beta-sitosterol, bryophollenone, bryophollone, bryophyllin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, quercetin, steroids, and taraxerol. 
the leaves contain bryophyllum a, b and c, and malic acid. 
What part of the plants used as drugs, and how to use them? 
can be used as medicine some parts of the plant such as:
the whole plant can be used the extract treatment. 
Leaves. extraction or beat the thick foliage miracle leaf apply to the affected area in the body. It can also heat it on fire before applying on the skin. 
what diseases and conditions that may be treated by miracle leaf? 
1. Insect bites. crushed leaves and apply on the affected area. This will help to lose itching and irritation to the skin. 
2. Eczema. The condition of eczema or inflammation of the skin can be treated by crushed leaves of miracle leaf. 
3. Wounds. To accelerate wound healing fire. It can also grind before down to help heal wounds. 
4. Boil. The plaster is also boil leaves slightly flattened. You can also use the treated leaves in fire. 
5. Diarrhea and dysentery. The continuous pollution might help ease the drinking the juice wonderfully available on leaves and branches. 
6. Asthma. The leaves are first soaked in hot water for 15 minutes to extract and drink for asthma condition. 
7. High blood pressure. Effectively lowers blood pressure drinking the juice plant marvel. 
8.  Ear aches. Also drops in a sore ear leaf extract strange to feel better. 
9. Headaches. apply the leaves on the forehead and temples to reduce the headaches. 
10. Rheumatism. apply the crushed leaves on the aching joints caused by arthritis. 

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